Thursday, October 20, 2011

Oct. 15, 2011 Day 29

Ft. Leonard Wood is an incredibly beautiful place. Many don't speak of it like that, but, to me, it reminds me of the foothills back home.
Today we had FTX1. FTX is "field training excercise." It's where you are taking classes/applying skills in a more realistic environment than the classroom.
Our DS explained that FTX1 is a crawl (they teach), 2 is a walk (we practice), and 3 is a run (we perform). Most things at BCT work in a similar manner.
The trans (cattle trucks) dropped us off in some over-grown fields unknown miles from the barracks where our DS proceeded to teach us more valuable skills.
The temperature was mild with barely a cloud in the sky. Light breezes crept up every now and then while the trees gave off their autumn colors, leading me to nearly forget from time to time where I was. The 25 lb. ruck on my back and the M-16 in my hand definitely kept me aware, but at times I could just smile and imagine I was wandering the woods back home.
Thinking of home was a bit more difficult today as my family and friends celebrated my son's 2nd birthday. However, I stayed focused on the fact that I will be able to call him on his birthday. Understand that the Army does not automatically give you phone calls in BCT on those special occasions. The Lord worked it out though so that my 20 minutes fall on his birthday. Most times that I have called home, time has either been too short or the call was too late in the day for me to get a lot of time with him.
The rest of the day, we learned about Land Navigation. We were given maps and compasses to begin learning how to find our way without GPS. (Shocking, I know!) For me it was fun, but others seemed to struggle with the concepts more. I wouldn't be worried except our DS explained that the tests, whole individual, will be five team dependent, meaning if anyone on my five team fails, we all fail.
Tomorrow is the 5th Sunday, the halfway Sunday. Let's hope things continue as smoothly to the end.

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