Today was another great day at BCT. Thank you all for your continued prayers that have made that happen.
This morning I jumped at the chance to be on details since we were going back to the qualification range and I knew there would be nothing else for me to do. So at about 0600, I was on the range loading my 900 round share of 5.56 for the day's targets.
It was actually quite a nice experience to watch the sunrise over the range. Again, almost all of the ranges here are beautiful, especially with the fall colors.
I will admit, I was a little disappointed at the range today. In addition to the non-qualified shooting today, the DSs allowed those who shot 23-26 to shoot again and take their higher score. I, with a 29, had to hand a few of them a sharpshooter badge when they boosted their score. In the words of DS Leahart though, "No big deal." I just need to move on from it and refocus. I will have another chance to qualify next year.
Now I'm not sure which of you loved me enough to pray about good meals here, but someone did. This morning, detail had to eat MREs for breakfast. I don't mind them that much, but I love my hot D-Fac (dining facility) breakfast. Today though, I actually got a breakfast MRE, Maple Sausage! It was pretty good for an MRE.
Then we had a good field feed for lunch. There are two types of meals you eat while in the field: field feed-where the D-Fac caters basically, and MREs-the ones you probably have heard about.
Normally the field feeds are noodles with chicken or something like that. But you never seem to get as much or as good-tasting food that is in the D-Fac. Today though, we had beef stew! It was fantastic.
Then when we got back, we went to chow and had burritos. They're not Moe's mind you, but when you haven't had burritos in a long time, they are still pretty good. The unfortunate thing was, the DS must have a sense of humor.
As soon as we got back from chow, they had us change into PTs and we ran two miles...let's just say this 0300-0400 Fireguard shift has been quite musical. I think I've improved though on my run. We will find out Saturday on my last diagnostic PT test. After this one, the only other test is the one for graduation. I plan to kick butt on this one so I won't have to worry about passing the last one.
One last thing in closing. The battle buddy I talked about who had the infection is in a lot of pain from the waist down. So please continue to pray for him.
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