So today wasn't too bad, though it did have some boring times. The morning started off with some PT, running. We did 60/120s. That's where you sprint for 60 seconds, walk for 120, and repeat x number of times. It's supposed to drop minutes off the run time. We'll see.
After breakfast chow, we returned to the barracks and did weapons maintenance, which we continued for most of the day. We had a special guest with us though. A three-year-old DS. DS Ortiz brought her son this morning, and he definitely learned from momma. She left him "in charge," and he proceeded to get soldiers to stand up, sit down, do pushups, etc. It was amazing to see how confident he was in a room full of soldiers.
At the same time we were laughing, I couldn't help but think of my son back home and what he was up to. I am just thankful for my wife who has been such an amazing mother. I'm sure he'll know his times tables by the time I get home. :)
In the afternoon, we went back to the electronic shooting range. We were given an opportunity there to practice for qualification. I was very disappointed. I shot 29 out of 40. I know my issue. As soon as I get on target, I jump the trigger instead of settling in. I just hope I can focus and correct it on qualification day.
One pretty funny thing did happen today. My singing battle buddy got called out by the DSs and sang their requests for a good five minutes. One of the requests was "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen. If you know anything about my time in high school, you probably know why I had to fight the urge to join in. But if there is one thing to keep in mind at BCT, it is: Do Not Call Any Extra Attention to Yourself. If you finish BCT and your DS sees you at graduation and says, "Who the heck are you, private?" you've been successful.
That's all I have for now. Time for bed before uniform fitting tomorrow!
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