Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Day 2, Reception

Finally! It's the last night in reception. Others though are not so lucky. One guy got injured at reception and will be stuck here for 6 months while he heals. Another got here and they found an issue that requires his discharge. He's here for another 4-6 weeks while they out-process him.
You do not leave BCT until you graduate or are discharged. One private quit the first night and will now receive a felony desertion charge, 1 month in jail, and a dishonorable discharge.
Those of us who are shipping though are ready. We have a pretty decent group with the exception of a few morons who can't seem to listen.
The highlights for today were taking our official photos and receiving our dog tags. But the low point was the shot room.
In the shot room, nurses line both sides of an aisle. As you step-pause down the aisle, you receive multiple shots in both arms. THEN its the penicillin shot. Imagine someone taking a syringe filled with ice cold peanut butter and injecting it in your hind end. Needless to say, we are all still sore.
I get fire guard again tonight because my bay only has 23 soldiers. But we also get an extra hour of sleep since it's Saturday, so it will even out.
The comradery in the unit has already begun. Most of the guys would be great battle buddies when the time comes. The only issue is lack of leadership.
I finally had to step up today and take charge of the 64 in order for us to meet our challenges (minor challenges) like getting in line number order (we were each given a number) and cleaning the barracks. Most of the time though, if you are respectful and the others can see progress, the impromptu leadership is strongly welcomed.
We also started developing the team mindset. We're always checking to ensure each individual is squared away. That can't do anything but help us in basic.
So tomorrow at noon we will get on the bus to meet our new DS's and hopefully know our battle buddy. It's sure to be challenging, but I welcome it as it is one more step towards graduation.
A private before me recommended counting time in Sundays rather than days as there are only ten. My first Sunday is just one more day away!

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